

The Canadian National Exhibition, (CNE, or “The Ex,” to locals) is an annual end of summer fair which has been held in Toronto, in one form or another, since 1879. The diversity of the offerings is staggering – and more than ever


Past the post

If you’ve ever talked to me when I’ve had too many cups of coffee (after about eleven AM), you’ve probably heard me struggling to triangulate the key fault in the weird paradigm we’ve all been living inside for so long, that we


The best lesson of all

The Chinatown festival this year was wonderfully educational, chaotic, fun and noisy – and then we heard them announce a Shaolin demonstration, and to our surprise, we found we were unable to move, once they began – because every single moment of


The model’s model

Had another great exploration day with my dear friend Nada the other day. Started off very rainy – didn’t look promising, but we soon ran into a street festival, (youth day, for which they blocked-off a chunk of Yonge) live music, some


Jung at heart

I am a man of peace for the same basic reason that many come to this position – because I have, thanks to the circumstances of my life, come to understand hate. As a child, I was forced to become an adult,