Structural Happiness (Trade Format Paperback Edition)


How do we find more magic days? How do we make ourselves more lovable, and loving? Where do we orphans of the dizzying maelstrom find art, belonging, community, family? I’ve been asking all of these questions for more than half a century. Failing better all the time. High-minded on the low road, pratfalls of a working-class intellectual. Subtle, but ridiculous! Structural Happiness – welcome to my world!

Available now from Large Ess Small Press – 178 pages softcover, trade format – generously typeset in Baskerville, with mature eyes in mind. Pictures, 2!


Structural Happiness    –    Trade Format Paperback Edition

A few years ago, I had enough of a health-scare to consider the big mortality questions. When I asked myself what I would want to write, if I could only leave one more thing behind, I realized that what I most needed to express was gratitude for the wisdom that foolish-me was so often given by small neighbourhood heroes whose particular strengths were kindness, understanding, generosity of spirit, and rich well-digested experience.

The result of this big thought is “Structural happiness” and I have indeed attempted to include the most helpful lessons and ideas that I’ve learned – almost always from my own sometimes quite elaborate pratfalls and vanities, upon which, the tale generally hangs.

Rather than sketch a dry philosophy, or compile a list of quotes of my beloved teachers, I’ve interwoven silly stories with asides from the world of psychology, philosophy, history, and other understandings, to make it a layered confection, rather than a chore – this ain’t your philosophy homework!

Magic days – true love – art and inspired madness – a silly fool learns love and the world.

Structural happiness – available now from Large Ess Small Press.

178 pages softcover, trade format – generously typeset in Baskerville, with mature eyes in mind. Pictures, 2!

Additional information

Weight 0.24 kg
Dimensions 22 × 14.5 × 1.2 cm
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