
My Oracle

Too Clever by Multiples (top image) I am a little bit nuts and have never denied it, so I expect today’s especially elaborate (and hopefully amusing) proof of that will come as no surprise to anyone. On the other hand, I am


Flywheel – Remix

Hi folks, time for a new song and video – also long past time for a brand new love song for my beautiful Catherine. Not conventional, of course (am I ever?) but I had a pretty good sense I was onto true


Stories We Tell

“Quasars family picnic” (top photo) Hello friends! The planet being rather depressing and hopeless of late, I thought I ought to add another piece to the “Reasons we bother” and “How we power that” file. A little while ago I posted some


Love Is Less Stupid

I have talked a lot in my essays, posts, podcasts and even my songs about self-delusion, especially the way our negative emotionality (fear/anger) causes all sorts of destruction which we are extremely good at ignoring, or pretending comes from somewhere else. Some


Cooler Heads

This is an extremely difficult time to write about the reality and history of the world and of our various nested cultures, from a standpoint of firm and ever expanding compassion. I have said it before, but I have to repeat –


Simple Simple – Remix

Hi friends – time for a brand new song and video! I swear I keep thinking of Bill Withers when I start these free-form songs – simple, heartfelt and compelling are my picks for the strongest virtues a song can have (Woody


Right In Mid-Guffaw

Hey, what do you know? Right in the middle of an unwholesome national festival of Schadenfreude (pleasure in other people’s suffering) about our neighbours’ absolutely insane, and yet also hilariously pathetic politics, Canada up and finds a way to prove that politically,


A Six-Pack of Dreamings

Like a lot of people, I’ve been reading books about creative people and approaches to life for most of my life. Some suggestions are inspiring but impractically exotic, relying upon settings or resources so difficult to secure as to obliterate the naturalness


My Friend – Remix

Hello my friends! One of the curious things about the way covid has overturned everyone’s normalcy, all at once, is that many of us have been reminded about the value of pleasure and creativity, as a mentally and emotionally positive and stabilizing

Fish Studying Water

Hi friends! Here’s a poem I wrote a few years ago, going after an especially difficult and subtle problem. How do we become aware of the medium in which we are suspended? We can sort of see air indirectly, with a flag


The Way That We Do It

Hi Folks. I’ve had some wonderful stimulus lately. Met a dear old friend on Friday for a lovely nature walk and energizing conversation (you have to love The Vale of Avoca – and right in midtown, too!) then yesterday I walked nine


Stymie and Toffel

Hello friends! I am overjoyed to announce my latest book – Stymie and Toffel – a whimsical Toronto tale of dystopian uplift for older kids and especially imaginative adults, with 19 superb illustrations by Andrew (Rewfoe) Foerster, has finally arrived, is utterly


Wrong In What Sense?

Hello my friends! Here is another piece based upon unexpected humane insight, from my poetry collection “Night Song for Cigar-Box Banjo” (and for those kind folks who have asked – yes, the long awaited Ebook edition is coming very soon). One of


Wonky Dance of Modern Times

I attempt to craft things in many forms – musical, graphic, long form writing and poetry. But just as the immediacy time-rootedness and dynamics of music make it the most directly impactful emotionally, poetry reacts to the outside world in extremely interesting


Almost did a crazy thing

Hi folks, hope you are keeping well, mounting stressors notwithstanding. I’ve had an interesting week so far, wearing my publisher’s hat. I have had a lot of curious jobs and roles over the years, but right now my primary occupation is caregiver



Here’s an example of a very old idea with clear sharp modern relevance. The idea comes from Rumi’s father Bahauddin (apologies to my Persian friends if I got that wrong – spelling varies here for almost all of the greats). Very little


Pan Was Not Consulted Here

Hey folks! Isn’t it funny how wonky and non-linear creativity is? Even when you develop various mental tools of envisioning (important in every art) you still need a combination of motivational drive, and some direction in which to deliver your work. My

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