
I have a very special relationship with squirrels – I’m not exactly sure that they like me, or the way that I insist on trying to learn their language.  I think it entirely possible that a sneaky one taught me a horrible

Launch window

I rather like the way this shot reveals the submerged, underlying the modern – it almost feels like there’s an old shipwreck down there, doesn’t it? Just finished a fascinating book tonight, about the long-hidden origins of Australia – it’s early (essentially


Convocation hall

This is one of my favourite buildings on the old U of T campus for several reasons.  I’d rank it second only to the lovely Massey hall as a Toronto venue – not quite such immaculate concert acoustics (though still commendable) but

The sense of being staired at

I haven’t read any Rupert Sheldrake this century – but only because I always lend away my best books (and get them back, rather less-than always). He theorizes right at the edge of what I can ‘buy’ critically – one might think

Waves and Quanta

The thing I love most about any good strong argument, is how fast you can learn, when you encounter one that displaces your old, less useful and/or valid ideas.  Knowledge-turnover, like soil-aeration, is non-optional if you want to get a good fresh


Zya F

I recently mentioned my curiosity about the differences between spray and line street-artists, and as soon as I self-sensitized that way, I noticed a couple. Not only is this (one-liner?) a real stylistic treat, for it’s minimal aspect and very immediate energy,



Context really is everything – there’s not much that’s more dull and common than a dirty puddle – and while wrought-iron fire-escapes do have visual appeal and even artistic significance (from the Ashcan school through Hopper and onward), we really don’t often

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