
The jogger and the princess

There’s just no arguing it – photographers are themselves one of the very best street-photography subjects one can come across – and the juxtapositions which occur in an uncontrolled but pro ‘street shoot’ are especially deluxe. The princess here is actually a

Ready to go

There’s something especially endearing about single-minded determination in cute toys. Reminds-us that our childhood selves didn’t often dream of being pleasant and relaxed, but rather fierce, focussed and action-packed – exciting stuff! Of course, single-minded does turn out to be a whole


Drove him mad, they once said

Here’s a view we don’t often get to see – the Gardiner’s bridge-like britches – excavated courtesy of the massive project to turn Loblaws old downtown distribution warehouse into a new megastore for the badly underserved lakeshore condo community – with every


Comedy centenarian

Designed my Thomas W Lamb, built in 1913, the Elgin and Winter Garden are not one but two grand full-sized theatres stacked on top of one another – a design fairly common in Edwardian days, but this beauty is now the last


Bodes well

When people who are into sequential art, comics, and illustration history (an increasingly intersecting set on the venn-diagram, I am happy to report) talk about the science fiction and fantasy pulp of the seventies, ninety percent of the bandwidth usually gets taken


Taking my person for a walk

Another lovely thing about street festivals is all the nifty and eccentric characters one gets to see, some of them human, and some canine – but no less full of style, verve, and indeed, often hilarious achievements of attitude. It takes no


Sweet-sized concerts

While there are worrisome changes to the Toronto landscape, and also many new developments of promise – there are also, I’m very glad to say, many sweet things about Toronto that remain very recognizable, from when I was a kid. Ossfest itself

High-frequency vitality

I’ve already gone-on at some length about the great evolutionary significance of the arrival of flowers – not only a crucial increase in energy concentration for nifty things like mammals, that prefer above room-temperature blood (in the form of the vast variety


Never gets old

Catherine and Nada will both tell you – I am a bit of an ornery old cuss. I don’t just go along with stuff because everyone else is doing it, I make my own call. No, I don’t want to be a



Here’s another one of my unexpectedly nifty hand-held nighttime rain-shots. This one took a bit of doing too – walked back and forth for about a block, to get the right sort of mix of odd little businesses set up in front

Tardy? Hardly!

For some time now, the crack team of book-obsessives at Large Ess Small Press have been gearing-up to offer fine and original published works to you — and we are, at last, just about ready to announce our first of many planned


Realistic After All

I’d rank Bumblebees as the second cutest insect after ladybugs, and they are far more cuddly-looking, thanks to their apparently soft and colourful fur But I have to say, I always thought the weird plastic wings that people wore for their bumblebee


Kids like to do stuff

I sure felt cool in that carpentry apron. Childhood is weird, and there’s no doubt that parenthood is challenging – but there’s one simple principle worth remembering – kids remember! Any experience they have of being able to create things which are

Sunflower Panorama

Funny note – Catherine is happy to be my lookout / security for when I’m standing in the road, or perched on something semi-dangerous.  But in this case, she almost got overzealous in the role.  A giant weird-looking bug was perched on

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